Hiya Guys!
So I was nominated to enter the Liebster Award which is for bloggers with under 200 followers.
I was nominated by Luce, her blog is really lovely so check it out! http://iyeritsluce.blogspot.co.uk
The rules are:
You must answer all of the questions that have been given by the person who nominated you.
You must link back to the person who has nominated you.
After completing the questions you must nominate 11 bloggers (under 200 followers) and give them 11 questions of your choice.
You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link to your post so they can learn about it.
Luce's questions!<3
1. Who are you closest to in your family?
My mum she is like my best friend, we talk to each other about everything, I love her to bits!<3
2. If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be?
The power of premonition, I'd love to be able to see into the future not only for myself but for others, it could help avoid all those bad decisions you wish you never made! <3
3. What is your favourite dessert?
Cheesecake! I don't care what kind! I love em all! Nom!<3
4. Who is your celebrity icon?
She isn't really a celebrity but she is a YouTuber her name is Kalel and I just think she's such a strong passionate woman! I love her style and love how passionate she gets about things she always puts 110% into everything and I just want to be that passionate about the things that I enjoy and to put that much effort into my life and what I do!<3
5. Do you prefer Disneyland paris or america? If you haven't been to either or just one, which one would you prefer?
I've only ever been to America, I was 8 when I went so I don't remember it very well but what I can remember I loved! I would love to go again! Hopefully I will go in the next 10years!<3
6. What colour is your bedroom and do you have any posters up?
I live in a rented property so we're not allowed to decorate :( I used to have A LOT of band posters all over my room but I recently just got some new furniture and decor so I decided to take them down as they just didn't suit my room anymore!<3
7. Best and worst song?
My Favourite song is by my favourite band My Chemical Romance and my favourite song is I'm not Ok. At least I think it is it's not their best song but I love it! Worst song, I don't really have one really, there's just songs that I don't like, mainly pop and main-stream stuff, it's just not to my taste.<3
8. What is your favourite animal?
My favourite animal always has been an elephant! I don't really know why, I've just always loved them! They're so beautiful!<3
9. What is the most expensive item of clothing in your wardrobe?
I don't really have designer clothes so I'd probably say my knee high converse, I think they were around £80, I'm not too sure though!<3
10. Best holiday you've ever been on?
Probably last year I went to Portugal to see my Grandad and it was just a lovely laid back Holiday! I'm actually flying back over there in 3 weeks! I'm so excited!<3
11. Celebrity crush?
My celebrity crush is the love of my life...Frank Iero...who was one of the guitarists in My Chemical Romance! It's a shame he is 32 and Married with 3 kids and some dogs :'( I can still dream!<3
Ok! So time for my nominations!
Now these are my questions for you lovely people<3
1-Where is your favourite place to go?
2-Do you have a nickname? If so what is it?
3-Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If not would you get any?
4-What is your idea of the perfect date?
5-Why did you decide to start your blog?
6-What is your favourite blog?
7-How long have you been blogging?
8-Are you a cat or dog person?
9-What is your top 5 make-up products of all time?
10-If you could live anywhere where would you live and why?
11-When you were a child what did you want to be, when you were older?
So those are my questions! Once again thanks for the nomination!
Speak to you soon!
1-Where is your favourite place to go?
2-Do you have a nickname? If so what is it?
3-Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If not would you get any?
4-What is your idea of the perfect date?
5-Why did you decide to start your blog?
6-What is your favourite blog?
8-Are you a cat or dog person?
9-What is your top 5 make-up products of all time?
10-If you could live anywhere where would you live and why?
11-When you were a child what did you want to be, when you were older?
So those are my questions! Once again thanks for the nomination!
Speak to you soon!
That's a nice post. I enjoyed going through. Keep up the good work.