Wednesday, 16 July 2014

NCS Social Action Project

 Hiya guys!

So today, I am going to be talking about something a little different. Basically I am taking part in the National Citizen Service and we are for the next two weeks doing our social action project, which is where we help out in our community.

For my teams social action project we are planning to do-up a care homes garden in our local area and chat to the residents their and just brighten up their day!

We are also looking to support Women's Aid by raising money and buying new home-wear for their refuges! We are aiming to help out women and children who have been victim to domestic violence

We are going to be raising money by doing cake sales, bag packing.
We are also holding a talent show and party fundraiser at Cape in Nottingham, 5pm-9pm, so if you live in the area please come along and help us out by donating. Entry fee is £1 and we will be selling shirts, loom bands and holding a raffle, also throwing wet sponges at our team mentors! The winner of the talent show will win a Nandos voucher!

I would really appreciate your help by sharing to make people aware of what we are trying to achieve! Also if you live in the area of Nottingham, please come to our events and make a donation! We are really trying hard to raise enough money to help out both the causes, so please help us out my sharing and spreading the word!
Thank you!

Speak to you soon!


  1. Oh my gosh, I did NCS as well but in the Spring, and I absolutely loved it! For our social action project we spent the day at an elderly people's home to tackle the issue of isolation. AMAZING time and felt so rewarding at graduation! Hope you really enjoy the rest of your experience :D

    Jade x

  2. Awesome! I'm really enjoying it so far! Thank you!
